Module 4
Connection: Strengthening Relationships and Support
Chronic stress and challenges have brought complexity to our everyday connections and relationships. Mandy Doria, MS, LPC, NCC, RYT-200, and Justin Logue, MA, MSW will discuss the importance of social connectedness and themes that contribute, such as communication, authenticity, and self-compassion.
Other common struggles have emerged in family relationships, parenting stress, and role management. The supplemental video with Dr. Scott Cypers will review strategies for managing these stressors and improving communication and connection. Additional content with exercises related to these videos can be found in pages 12-18 of the Toolkit.
Part 1
Part 2
Please watch this 3-minute Video on Empathy vs. Sympathy:
Supplemental Video
Additional Resources for this Module:
- Self Compassion Exercises with Dr. Kristen Neff
- Self Assessment:
- Websites
- Worry Wise Kids from Tamar Chansky, Ph.D.
- Child Mind Institute Resources
- Video by Robert Waldinger: What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness
- Take the Attachment quiz
- The 5 Love Languages: Learn your Love Languages Quiz
- Podcasts
- Kind World podcast: Former U.S. Surgeon General on the Front Line of Another Health Crisis: Loneliness
- Hidden Brain podcast: What Makes Relationships Thrive
- Brené Brown “Unlocking Us” podcasts:
- Comparative Suffering, the 50/50 Myth, and Settling the Ball
- The Art of Gathering, with Priya Parker
- Loneliness and Connection, with Dr. Vivek Murphy
- Shame and Accountability
- I'm Sorry: How to Apologize and Why it Matters, with Dr. Harriet Lerner
- Why We'll Never Be the Same Again and Why It's Time to Talk About It, with Scott Sonenshein
- Books
- The 5 Love Languages - Gary Chapman (Find “Learn Your Love Language” quizzes at
- The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work - John Gottman and Nan Silver
- Getting the Love You Want: A Guide For Couples - Harville Hendrix, PhD
- Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find—And Keep—Love - Amir Levine, M.D., and Rachel S.F. Heller, M.A. (Take the Attachment quiz on their website
- Freeing Your Child from Anxiety - Dr. Tamar Chansky
- Other
- Infographic on Friendship from Happify:
- Physician Wellbeing Toolkit from Behavioral Health & Wellness Center at CU Anshutz (includes Burnout symptom checklist and 8 Dimensions of Wellness Self-assessment)
- Self-Care Toolkit for Coping with Social Distancing by Mandy Doria, LPC